Annual Work Plan 2014 Finalised

The Annual Work Plan outlines the activities of the Certus Centre and is an important document for the Centre. The annual work plans for 2012 and 2013 were submitted to the RCN in December 2011 and December 2012 respectively. This year, the annual work plan 2014 has been submitted to RCN by December the 20th, after a two-months redaction process. The process started with the user partners workshop organized in October 2013 and followed a rigorous redaction and approval process. By the end of November, a first version was submitted to the user partner as a draft and a basis for effort negotiation. By the beginning of December, the host partner revised the plan with the feedback provided by the user partners in order to build a second version. This version was finally further refined and approved as the final version by the Certus board and submitted to RCN.

The AWP 2014 continues, refines and develops the Research and Innovation actions introduced during the two first years of the Centre. Since its first versions, the AWP is organized in Projects and Tasks which correspond respectively to long-term scientific areas and short-terms dedicated actions. The plan for 2014 contains 8 active Projects and 24 active Tasks. The production of the Centre is expected to be of 68 deliverables, for a total effort of 173 Person. Months. The plan sees the introduction of a new Project dedicated to the smarter testing of evolving software systems (Project 9), corresponding to a new scientific competence and new interest introduced in the Centre. Project 5, 7 and 8, which have been operating since the start of the Centre, are continued and reinforced, while Project which was stopped in 2013 is not re-opened in 2014. Project 2 (Exploitation) is also reinforced, demonstrating a strong support to innovation activities.


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