Certus researcher Leon Moonen participated in the recent ICSE 2019 and co-located conferences MSR and ICPC in Montreal, Canada. He was also invited to participate in the ML4SE workshop organized after the ICSE week atContinue reading
Tag: conference
Certus researchers involved in arranging the first IEEE AI Testing Conference
Certus researchers are strongly engaged into the organization of the first IEEE AI Testing Conference, to be held in San Francisco, USA, from 4-9 April, 2019 . For more information about the conference, please visit: http://www.ieeeaitests.com/index.html
Report from Models 2013
ACM/IEEE 16th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS2013) is “the premier venue for the exchange of innovative ideas and experiences of model-based approaches in the development of complex systems. Since 1998,Continue reading